Tag: 3d

  • meta-house 3d

    meta-house 3d

    zigmoon meta-house 3d is now available for your metaverse directly in 3d object.

  • graphic design for cosmos

    graphic design for cosmos

    Large format creation HD on the theme : Cosmos Network: Internet of Blockchains. 3d image including neon lights and various reflexes. The bubbles represent the various universes of this blockchain. We are in COSMOS 🙂

  • metavers gallery

    metavers gallery

    New immersive gallery test, vr, audio/visio conference available within the metaverse. I brought back for the occasion some old design that I had realized young. You do have MetaMask for access to web3 (Also you don’t have to deposit any money on MetaMask. This is only a web3 connection protocol. You ape your visit to…

  • sandbox & voxedit

    sandbox & voxedit

    Creation of worlds and universes in the sandbox software. Here are some visuals of my builds: checkerboard and some giant backgrounds.

  • “j’ai piscine” fondation Jean Jaurès

    “j’ai piscine” fondation Jean Jaurès

    Très heureux d’avoir rĂ©pondu prĂ©sent en interview dans cet ouvrage Ă©voquant mes divers dĂ©couvertes et travaux dans le metavers. Fondation Jean Jaurès. Itw par Anne-Claire Ruel. Peut-on lire une Ă©poque au travers d’un simple objet ou d’un lieu ? Peut-on dire beaucoup de nos futurs en peu de mots ? C’est le pari que fait…

  • porn render 3d

    porn render 3d

    New 4k HD wallpaper for your computers. #porn #render #starwars

  • zigmoon on sandbox

    zigmoon on sandbox

    I took the time to design a world in sandbox, it’s a wonderful experience that I recommend to all 3d builders. It’s fun, easy to learn and the result is above all expectations. Once you have built your map, by clicking generate a video game, the promise is crazy and it is kept.

  • $bat


    Nouvelle crĂ©ation 3d ayant pour source d’inspiration le $BAT : basic attention token.A voir aussi :https://twitter.com/zigmoon/status/1600230499930120192

  • colors bubbbles

    colors bubbbles

    J’ai testĂ© de nouveaux matĂ©riaux et Ă©clairages pour ce rendu (RTX testing). Design par mes soins.