Simon Dupont-Gellert, Designer | Loire Valley, FRANCE | VISUAL Artificial Intelligence research, Gutenberg Block Theme Maker for CMS WordPress


Our design, theme for Wordpress & Notion & web services are now available on the Gumroad (Etsy, Behance) sales platform for certain exclusive products for your website.

Behance 13or zigmoon design clemence brunet :13

“ECO” Theme WordPress
(block editor Gutenberg)

  • ready for the last version of WP
  • Especially quality.
  • CLEAR theme.
  • Gutenberg Block editor
  • 4/3 columns
  • Font style HELVETIk
  • 5 pages: HOME, ECO WEB, blog, permalink, CONTACT

“Zigmoon” Theme WordPress
(block editor Gutenberg)

  • ready for the last version of WP
  • Especially quality.
  • Black theme.
  • Gutenberg Block editor
  • 3 columns
  • Font style mono
  • 6 pages: contact, 404, permalink, home page, image gallery, archives

Modern 32 Chess pieces

Files: .svg .eps .pdf .jpeg .png

  • 16 pieces: white & black Pawns
  • 4 pieces: white & black Rook
  • 4 pieces: white & black Knight
  • 4 pieces: white & black Bishop
  • 2 pieces: white & black Queen
  • 2 pieces: white & black King
  • With Chessboard
  • Full vectoriel