Written by Simon Dupont-Gellert CEO of Micro-COMPAGNY 2.13 specializing in UX and AI, based in Chapelle-Saint-Mesmin

retro bundle +7 CV templates for apple pages

The perfect Bundle

For fun I have repack my rip site PROCV templates on gumroad. It’s resume / CV templates pack for Apple Pages. I took the time to compile my old resume templates into bundles. Here a pack with the ultimate PROCV.BIZ reference: “The Futur 3 template” (yellow version). As the models are not young I decided to sell them 1$ the model thanks to the bundle. Good discovery and good CV!
Link: Https://2points13.gumroad.com

Clean and simple

For the release of the bundle I optimized the set for the latest version of the Apple Pages 2022 software. I carried out an optimization of all the models on the typography. Now there is nothing more to install to use them! The fonts are all system! This makes using the pack easier and faster! These resume templates have been optimized, tested and approved for a long time on my old resume sales platform. I reserve in the bundles that the best sellers. With 3 columns, 2 columns, different layouts, different shapes, colors, styles, typography. It’s up to you to take charge of your career. In a few minutes highlight your profile. You need a CV template because recruiters will always ask you for a paper CV or A4 PDF. This bundle is the solution! To your software!


The Gumroad service has been carrying out transactions for all our digital products for over a year. I also recommend that you discover via this platform our profile enhancement models for the notion.so wiki software. You can all parameter edit, change. The Pages software is so simple and effective. Drag your photo, enter your different experiences and professional qualities on this one. Your profile will never have been highlighted so much. Take advantage of it! This complete pack will allow you to choose your favorite model or use several according to your applications or future job. A second CV Bundle will be released at the end of the year with 7 new PROCV references.
